
The Official Site of Arka Language
STUDY: Lein's Lesson, Overview and so on

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How to Use Dic.

How to Read Dic.

Arka in Manga

Frame 1 (prequel)

Frame 1 (sequel)

Frame 2

Frame 3

Frame 4

Frame 3

The girl with Piggy tails is "miifa, the caring girl."
She wears "laasa" like me.

"laasa" is a cape Lein wears.

miifa usually gets a little short-tempered and often gets mad at xia who's always joking around.
But she is the one who cares xia well.

Romanized Arka
miifa: myu? lu xiel na vem al ema soona...? arte, lala es yundi

We've already seen "myu" in the first frame.
"lu xiel na vem al ema soona...?" The last word "soona" is "sete," so this is also an interrogative sentence for confirmation.
I saw "lu" on this lesson. It means s/he.
You call cats "lu (he)," not "tu (it)"?

Both are fine. It's a matter of animacy.

I see. The next word "xiel" means what? It's a verb?




Words of probability like possibly and definitely are posted in front of verbs.
Words of frequency like always and often are also posted in front of verbs.

Like the adverb "re" I've learnt on this lesson?
What does "na" mean? "xiel" comes before verbs, so I think "na" is a verb.
Uh... "na" is "to feel sth."


[verb]to feel yul
[ending independence]to feel that the substance of the sentence is right


What does he feel? "vem"?
Seems "na vem" means "be scared."

"a non" means "to me," so "na vem a non" means "be scared of me."
"lu xiel na vem al ema soona...?" means "He is probably scared of me, isn't he?"
Look at the face of the cat. I'm sure he is a bit scared.
That's why miifa said so.

The next word "arte" means "Oh my god!"
"lala" is a word showing surprise of the speaker.

"es" seems to be "why."
And "yundi" is "eyo."


[rente][ending independence]I wonder
Old Arka:eyo


"eyo" means "I wonder"
So the sentence says "Oh my god! I don't know why he is so scared of me."
She said so because the cat was scared of her.
OK, let's move on to the next sentence.

I'll show you the picture again.

The comment on the bottom-right is xia's.
The mark at the end of the sentence is called "axte". It representes the mark ":)"

Romanized Arka
xia: kum alxa nalo sen xalte tisse (axte

"kum" is "animal."
What's "alxa," Lein?

"kum" is "an animal," while "kum alxa" means "animals." It makes a generic plural.
"kum alxa" means "animals," while "min alxa" does "women."

I see.
I've already learnt "sen" on this lesson. It means "can," so "nalo sen" means "can get the message."
"xalte" is the object and means "atmosphere." So the sentence means "He can sense the atmosphere."

The last word "tisse" is an ending independence like "sete." It's used when the speaker gives new information to the listener.

Then, "kum alxa nalo sen xalte tisse (axte" means "Animals are able to sense the atmosphere, you know :)"
Oh, I get it. xia meant "The cat is scared of you because you are short-tempered."
OK, we're going to move on to the last frame!
