Arka has a decimal numeration system.
0 = yuu
1 = ko
2 = ta
3 = vi
4 = val
5 = lin
6 = kis
7 = nol
8 = ten
9 = los
10 = on
11 = onko
20 = taon
99 = losonlos
100 = gal
1000 = kot
1'0000 = sen
You should put "'" every four digit.
Ten thousand is "sen," not "ko sen."
How to Use Them
Cardinal numerals come before noun while ordinal numerals do after nouns.
ko miik = one apple
miik ko = the first apple
Pronouns and Numerals
With an suffix "-al," pronouns can mean a number.
toal (how many), xeal (of a certain number)
ti kuit toal miik? = How many apples did you eat?
ti latat al omi toal? = What number door did you enter?
Singular and Plural
You can make a singular noun by putting the adjective "ves" after a noun. If "ves" becomes "sein," the noun becomes plural.
fian ves = a girl
fian sein = girls
"ko fian" is equal to "fian ves."
But they have different nuances: "fian ves" is like a lonely girl.