
The Official Site of Arka Language
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Today, we'll explain the dialects of Arka.
Japan can be separated into the west and the east concerning the dialects. But Arbazard can be separated into the north and the south.

Why the north and the south? Arbazard is vertically long?

There are a few reasons.
Arbazard, with it's large open flat land, is a box-shaped country.
In which direction do you think the culture travels under the climate?

East and west, I think, because cultures travel with people.
There're different climates between the north area and the south area.

Yeah. You can travel easily from west to east, but you cannot from south to north because the climate is different.
There once were wyverns in Atolas, but they have a low tolerance for cold.

And that created the cultural boundary between the north and the south in our country.

It means that created the lingistic boundary, too. Hmm... Atolas is a well-created conworld, I think.
Well, which dialect do you speak?

We speak Northern Arka. The capital city is in the north area. Northern Arka is the standard language of Arbazard.
Kateej, one of the southern cities, has a different culture though it is in Arbazard.
Surprisingly, Keetoia, the country in the north of Arbazard, is similar to Northen Arbazard concerning the culture. Isn't it a confusing story?

What's Southern Arka like?
It's quite different from Northern Arka like Lutia?

The difference between Northern Arka and Southern Arka isn't larger than that between Arka and Lutia because Southern Arka is just a dialect.
But it has a different grammar. In Southern Arka, adjectives come before nouns.

The pronouns are strange, too. "I" is "wan," while "you" is "bal."
"en," the negative adverb, is "an" in Southern Arka. Besides, the copula isn't "et" but "de."
"de" means "be not" in Northern Arka but it does "be" in Southern Arka. It's very confusing.

Here's an example of Southern Arka. And click here for more information.

Northern Arka: non fitat miik har le tyu taut al etta tuan kokko las e.
Southern Arka: mya fityat har miik le txi taut ken txin etta kwan las ya.
English: I handed over the red apple which you bought to your sister.

As compared to Lutia, Southern Arka is similar to Northern Arka.
I wonder people in Arna can understand what people in Kateej speak.

Most people in Kateej can speak Northern Arka, so we can communicate with each other. But people living in a rural area only speak Southern Arka. I hardly understand what they say.

Finally, I'll introduce you the language of prostitutes.
The northen area is richer than the southern area in Arbazard, so most of the prostitutes who work at "impren" (house of prostitution) come from the southern area.
That's why the language of prostitues based on Southern Arka was made at "impren."

I'm surprised to know that there's a widening of the income gap in your country. Hmm... Kaldia is a well-created conworld, I think.
Well, what's the language of prostitutes like?

Here's an overview, and I'll show you an example.
The pronunciation of the language of prostitutes is different from that of Northern Arka, but there are rules for the pronunciation, and it's not difficult to memorize.
That said, it's all Greek to me.

Northern Arka: non en loki tu tis ranel e.
the language of prostitutes: mian an loki tyu tix ranqtta yanna.
English: I'm not really sure.

It's all Greek to me, too. But guys who pay them for you-know-what will learn what they say with enough effort and time.

Hmpf. I bet my beloved Arshe won't pay them for THAT.
