
The Official Site of Arka Language
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Etymology 2


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I found some marks that I don't understand when consulting the dictionary.
Take a look at "aav" (chain).


[noun] a chain
[verb] keep sth on a chain
[metaphor] linkage
13:raavyu (chain) from Old Arka
raabyu:raavyu:la kolett (strings)
Ordinarily aav is made of metal. Chains are used to make necklaces. Don't forget chains that show a forbidden area.
yun aav in succession
aav oma a nial keep a dog on a chain
gil at aav soven la tianal. She dated him for money.
diretan fosat yu yun aav. The criminals were arrested in succession.


You don't understand what "rd;raavyu,lsl.xik" and "13:raavyu (chain) from Old Arka " mean?
These are discriptions of etymology.

Why are there two of them?

The former is the etymology of "aav" in Atolas. The latter is that of in Earth.

Arka is a language in our world, so every word has its own historical and etymological background.
But it is a fantasy, not real. Actually, Arka was made in Earth, right?
So the creators of Arka needed to write when and how words were made in the dictionary.

That's why after the section of parts of speech, the section of etymology appears.
The former line is for Atolas. The latter one is for Earth.

I see. There are two etymologies. The latter one tells us how and when the creators made words.
"13:raavyu (chain) from Old Arka" is the latter one. How should I read it?

"13:raavyu (chain) from Old Arka" is an abridged version of "13:seren:klel:Old Arka raavyu (chain)." And it means--
"seren added this word to the dictionary in 2002 (mel 13). It comes from an Old Arka word "raavyu" and it means "chain.""

Ah, that 13 comes from the Mel calendar.
The creators don't use the Gregorian calendar because they use the Mel calandar in their daily life.
"aav" has many meanings. But there is only one sentence in the former etymology.

Every word meaning has its own etymology. "rd;raavyu,lsl.xik" is the etymology of the first word meaning.
The etymology of the next meaning is written after "|," but it's usually omitted.
The etymologies of the other word meanings can be omitted if the reader can guess the etymology of the other word meanings by looking at the etymology of the first word meaning easily.
If you don't omit the etymologies, the description will be like below.


[noun] a chain
[verb] keep sth on a chain
[metaphor] linkage
rd:seren:klel;raavyu,lsl(aav).xik | rd:seren:klel;aav1.yolek | rd:seren:diaklel;aav1.fris
13:raavyu (chain) from Old Arka


You'll be able to know which word meaning is linked to which etymology by counting "|."
By the way, Shion, what did you think of it?

It's a little hard to read.

Everyone needs the section of word meanings and a diction. But not everyone needs the section of etymology. So, the section of etymology can be abridged.

"rd:seren:klel;raavyu,lsl(aav).xik | rd:seren:klel;aav1.yolek | rd:seren:diaklel;aav1.fris" has already been abridged.
It has many abbreviations. You'll get a lengthy description without these abbreviations.




[noun] a chain
[verb] keep sth on a chain
[metaphor] linkage
seren added this word into Diaklel of Established Arka in the "ordin" period. The world formation is abbreviation. It comes from Old Lestil word "raavyu." The meaning of raavyu is equal to that of aav. | This meaning comes from the affordance of aav (chain). It is a denominal verb. | This meaning comes from the metaphor of aav (chain).
13:raavyu (chain) from Old Arka


OK, you'd better shorten the section of etymology.

You'll be able to know what the abbreviations mean here.
Make use of the abbreviations to read the section of etymology.

But I don't think you can make use of them easily because the section is difficult for us, Arban.
However, you'll come to know other words by checking etymologies of words.

Now I understand how to read the section of etymology.

Do you know how important the section is?
It's important because we can see the world of Kaldia through etimologies of words.
We'll explain it to you next time.
