
The Official Site of Arka Language
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Etymology 2


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Etymology 2

The section of etymology provides us with a new set of lenses through which to view the world.
And it can help us memorize words.

Arka is an a priori language, so it is very hard to memorize its words.
That's when the etymology really comes into play.

Right. For example, the sound "e" is bound up with "water": "er" is "water," "eri" is "blood" and "erei" is "river."
And the sound "fa" is bound up with "fire": "fai" is "fire," "fado" is "magma" and "faim" is "ingleside."
You'll be able to guess word meanings by making use of sound symbolizm.

Etymologies have a variety of valuable uses beyond just this.
Arka is just a language in Atolas. There're many languages like Lutia and Nagili in the world.
And Arka has some dialects: northern-Arka and southern-Arka. Besides Arka varies depending on the speakers' position in society.
The section of etymology tells us when and how words were added to the dictionary.

You mean cheking etymologies are a useful way to know the history of words?

Yes. Well, here's an example to show you a historical background of a word.
I'm a fourtune-teller, right? And fortune-tellers are called "fuulan." "an" is "-er."
Then how was the word "fuul" made?


kk;> < ful.fv.l
19:fulmiia:comes from her own name.


Look at the etymology in Atolas, I maen, "kk;> < ful.fv.l."
The etymology in Atolas can be diffrent from that in Earth. Watch out.

"kk;> < ful.fv.l" means--
"Arka borrowed this word from an Ineaato word "fuul" in the "kako" period. "fuul" comes from a Filveeyu word "ful"."

It tells us thre're two languages linked to this word.
You can understand how the word came to Arka by looking at the section of etymology.

And I think there were many fortune-tellers in Ineaato.
They came into Arbazard in the "kako" period with the word "fuul," right?

Good guess! There once were nymphs in Ineaato. nymphs are good at fortune-telling in our world.
Actually, I'm a mixed-race child, too. Look at my jet black long hair. It's nymphs'.
Nymphs left Atolas more than 300 years ago, so I'm almost human.
Well, that's how the etymology is linked to the history and myth of our world.

You're right. Surely we can understand the world through etymologies.

By the way, words of foreign languages that have a strong influence on Arka are written in the section of foreign languages.
You can see "ful:fuul" after the section of etymology. It means fortune-telling is called "ful" in Filveeyu while it's called "fuul" in Arbaren.

The dictionary has foreign words, too.
It's interesting that we can understand the world through etymologies.
