
The Official Site of Arka Language
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Daily Phrases

Daily Phrases

You learned Arka's grammar and how to use the dictionary on Lein's Lesson.
Well done, Shion.

Thanks. But I'm at a loss when I use Arka.
Could you show me daily phrases with which I can communicate with Arka speakers on some level?

(These days she's all looking for easy ways...)

OK, I'll show you 50 daily phrases so that you'll be able to communicate with Arka users, then.

Really?! That'd help me out!

Most readers use Arka on the Web, so we picked up phrases you can use on the Net smoothly.

That's great.
And I think examples on the dictionary are of some help.
Anyway, all you have to do at first is to use the following phrases or arrange them. Once you talk to an Arka user, he'll lead you through the conversation.

Daily Phrases

NOTE: Here are 50 phrases in male polite speech (seet) and in female polite & cute speech (milia). Please look at Phase to know various ways of speaking in Arka.
{ } means similar expression(s).

Male Polite Speech (seet)

Download the mp3 (male voice)

Self Introduction

1:ansoonoyun, an et ~. anestol. : Hello, I'm ~. Nice to meet you.
2:an et vik antisee. ti et min anmia? : I'm a man. Are you a woman?
3:tolis ant et ~ antisee. :I'm ~ years old.
4:ti et hasm nod an ansei? : Are you older than me?
5:an xalm ~ antisee. : I live in ~.
6:an lab ka ~, de ilnian anne. : I work for ~. I'm not unemployed.
7:axon ant et ~ antisee. : I do ~ when I'm free.
8:alt, an siina isk lei aata. : And I like reading books.
9:an til ket ka ra du ta. luus tilme an ranel. : We have two cats at home. They're attached to me.
10:yan ti siina wel kum? : What kind of animals do you like?
11:an yol sen parmren, arka, rattoren, alyuren antisee. : I can use Japanese, Arka, English and French.
12:ti yol sen toal eld anmia? : How many languages do you use?


13:an serat arka lamel tex ~ antisee. : I found Arka at ~.
14:an nat lol al arka man tu et ~ aata. : I'm interested in Arka because it's ~.
15:an na lol a diakalte tan. ti tan so anmia? : I'm interested in conworld too. How about you?
16:les lad fia et lol o ban, an lo. : It's interesting and fun for me to create a world.
17:slai del "ladom e levian" et yoa anam. : The site, "how to create a conlang," is very informative.
18:sant yuus an yem tu fiina eld ant. : Please let me use it as a reference when I create a conlang.
19:xink, an tan lador levian antisee. : You know, I'm also making a conlang.
20:est tuul et ~ aata. : Its name is ~.
21:slai ant xa atu del ~. : Here is the address.
22:an na nau ol ti xem ant. : I'll be happy if you'd come to my site.
23:tu et xep xel el lad levian anonna? : Isn't it difficult to create a conlang?
24:an lax nos yol sen em ekosel ladol lex les nos livlor. : I hope I'll be able to use my own language fluently.
25:levianfia et lis. son ans em xiit memir a xok! : There aren't so many people who are interested in conlangery, so let's get along fine with each other!


26:hadharma. asm flen est tiil? : Nice to meet you. Could I have your name?
27:antisoono? : How are you?
28:kok, anestol. : Nice to meet you, too.
29:ax. ya. teo. tee. : Yes. Yeah. No. Nah.
30:al artain. {antisoa.} : Congratulations!
31:al avan. {alva. anleevan.} : Take care.
32:anxidia. {al diar.} : Good night.
33:al karte. : Let's eat!
34:al vian. {anfarna.} : Gesundheit.
35:analkyunk on tu lab. : Leave it to me.
36:anatte on tas. : Good luck for the test.
37:andoova a soot kes. : See you next week.
38:aniio on an alkat ti. : I helped you. But it was nothing.
39:anlunan a levianfia. : Welcome back to the world of conlangs.
40:anpent. {anpentant. anvant. anvantant. anteo} : I'm sorry.
41:ansent. {ansentant. anseere. anseeretis} : Thank you.
42:ansolvat. tur, anilpasso on mel anne. : Thank you for waiting. Now I'm free.
43:anteere on kulala vein. : No thank you. I'm full.
44:antua. tu et les ti dilxat ankok? : Here you are. This is what you wanted, right?
45:anxante? an asm lax xe a ti. : Excuse me? I have something to ask you.
46:anfatoo on lab kin. : You're doing a hard job.
47:anfiima. fis et fiassel tiil ankok? anhacka. : Long time no see. It's your birthday today, right? Happy birthday.
48:ankekko a slai antes. : Welcome to our site.
49:ala esk luna sil im kest ter sin. hayu an xir esn a. al kleevel. : Oh no, it'll rain tomorrow. I'll need an umbrella. I wish it'd be fine tomorrow.
50:saa lop leeves xa. saia. : Oh my, the train has already gone. Can't be helped.

Female Polite & Cute Speech (milia)

Download the mp3 (female voice)

Self Introduction

1:ansoonoyun, non et ~. anestol. : Hello, I'm ~. Nice to meet you.
2:non et min antisse. tyu et vik anmian? : I'm a woman. Are you a man?
3:tolis noan et ~ antisse. :I'm ~ years old.
4:tyu et hasm nod non aneyo? : Are you older than me?
5:non xalm ~ antisse. : I live in ~.
6:non lab ka ~, te ilnian anne. : I work for ~. I'm not unemployed.
7:axon noan et ~ antisse. : I do ~ when I'm free.
8:alt, non siina isk lei aano. : And I like reading books.
9:non til miiko ka xalm du ta. luan tilme non ranel. : We have two cats at home. They're attached to me.
10:see tyu siina wel kum? : What kind of animals do you like?
11:non yol sen parmren, arka, rattoren, alyuren antisse. : I can use Japanese, Arka, English and French.
12:tyu yol sen toal eld anmian? : How many languages do you use?


13:non serat arka lamel tex ~ antisse. : I found Arka at ~.
14:non nat lol al arka mil tu et ~ aano. : I'm interested in Arka because it's ~.
15:non na lol a diakalte tan. tyu tan so anmian? : I'm interested in conworld too. How about you?
16:les lad fia et lol o ban, non lo. : It's interesting and fun for me to create a world.
17:slai teu "ladom e levian" et yoa anam. : The site, "how to create a conlang," is very informative.
18:myun yuus non yem tu fiina eld noan. : Please let me use it as a reference when I create a conlang.
19:xink, non tan lador levian antisse. : You know, I'm also making a conlang.
20:est tuul et ~ aano. : Its name is ~.
21:slai noan xa atu teu ~. : Here is the address.
22:non na nau ol tyu xem noan. : I'll be happy if you'd come to my site.
23:tu et xep xel el lad levian annanna? : Isn't it difficult to create a conlang?
24:non lax nan yol sen em ekosel ladol lex les nan livlor. : I hope I'll be able to use my own language fluently.
25:levianfia et lis. xom lena em xiit memir al axel! : There aren't so many people who are interested in conlangery, so let's get along fine with each other!


26:hadharma. asm flen est tuan? : Nice to meet you. Could I have your name?
27:antisoono? : How are you?
28:kok, anestol. : Nice to meet you, too.
29:ax. ya. teo. tee. : Yes. Yeah. No. Nah.
30:al artain. {antisoa.} : Congratulations!
31:al avan. {alva. anleevan.} : Take care.
32:anxidia. {al diar.} : Good night.
33:al karte. : Let's eat!
34:al vian. {anfarna.} : Gesundheit.
35:analkyunk on tu lab. : Leave it to me.
36:anatte on tas. : Good luck for the test.
37:andoova a soot kes. : See you next week.
38:aniio on non alkat tyu. : I helped you. But it was nothing.
39:anlunan a levianfia. : Welcome back to the world of conlangs.
40:anpent. {anpentant. anvant. anvantant. anteo} : I'm sorry.
41:ansent. {ansentant. anseere. anseeretis} : Thank you.
42:ansolvat. tur, anilpasso on mel anne. : Thank you for waiting. Now I'm free.
43:anteere on kulala fein. : No thank you. I'm full.
44:antua. tu et les tyu dilxat ansete? : Here you are. This is what you wanted, right?
45:anxante? non asm lan xe a tyu. : Excuse me? I have something to ask you.
46:anfatoo on lab kin. : You're doing a hard job.
47:anfiima. fis et fiassel tuan ansete? anhacka. : Long time no see. It's your birthday today, right? Happy birthday.
48:ankekko a slai lenan. : Welcome to our site.
49:lala esk luna sil im kest ter sin. hayu non xir leeze a. al kleevel. : Oh no, it'll rain tomorrow. I'll need an umbrella. I wish it'd be fine tomorrow.
50:saa lop leeves xan. saia. : Oh my, the train has already gone. Can't be helped.
