Independences appear in the beginning or middle or ending of a sentence. It modifies the whole sentence.
You can put a comma after an independence.
es ti sot? = Why did you do that?
len, la metat melk! = I knew it was he that dropped the watch!
Beginning independences are grammatical while ending independences are emotional.
e.g. sin (it indicates hatred against a proposition), siina (it indicates favorable impression toward a proposition), kok (affirmation), sei (fallibleness), na(feeling): they all are an ending independence.
la sontat an. = He caressed me.
la sontat an siina. = He caressed me, and I felt happy.
Beginning independences come at the begnning of a sentence. They are not a conjunction. e.g. son (then), yan (and), tal (but), veil (otherwise), man (because)
They can be a caser, too.
If you use them as a caser, the tense of the subordinate clause is based on comparisons with the main clause. cf. sequence of tenses
You can put independences in the middle of a sentence: an, hao, ket. = I, of course, went.
Adjectives, Adverbs and Beginning independences
Some adjectives and adverbs can be beginning independeces.
"aal" means "special" when it is used as an adjective. But it means "especially" when used as an adverb. And it means "above all" when used as a beginning independence.
sel aal = a special day
aal, la et hax. = He is especially great.
an ket axoka aalel{alskolel} im fis. = I went to the amusement park for a change.
You should check the other independences; kils, koot, ap, leim, len, mon.
Ending independences express emotion
Ending independences express speakers' emotion.
And they have various kinds of phases.
Average guys use "sei" while introversive cute girls tend to use "eyo" when they are unsure about their speech.