
Today, we're going to teach you the syllables of Arka.

Syllables of Arka are complicated unlike Japanese.
There are V, CV, CVC, CVVC, CCVCC and so on.

Unlike English, syllables of Arka are separated into some pieces.
For example, "namt" is separated into "na" and "mqt." And "set" is separated into "se" and "ttq." "q" is a schwa by the way.
It means most of the syllables of Arka are CV or CVC.

If the speaker is in a hurry, long syllables like "prest" are pronounced in one syllable. But if he's not, it is separated into "pres" and "tq" or "pre" and "sqt."

The system of accent of Arka is similar to that of Latin and Japanese.
For example my name Arshe Alteems is stressed like "ARshe alTEEMS." (The capital letter indicates the stressed syllable)
note: Arka is a pitch accent language.