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Today, let's listen to words of Arka. At first, listen to the mp3. Then repeat the sound you hear. Download the mp3 Did you catch them, Shion? They are the names of 7 demons, "soom". Their names are used to indicate a day of the week. They are velm, erva, satii, teeve, beezel, ilva and part. Right. They are not a sound but a word, so it was a bit difficult to catch the sounds. It was not so difficult because the letters indicate the sounds. I don't think so. For example, the letter "l" becomes the sound "r" in front of s, x, z and j. "alxe" (bring back memories) and "arxe" (a male name) are spelled differently, but they both are pronounced like arshe. The "n" in "lan" (human) is [n], but the "n" in "lanpit" (race) is [m]. It's assimilation, you know. When you pronounce "a," you should open your mouth vertically. And when you pronounce "aa," you should open your mouth wider. You should open your mouth wider when you pronounce a long vowel. And words that consist of CV, CVCV and CVCV...CV end up with a half-long vowel. For example, "mana" (girl) is pronounce like "manaa." There're many things I have to remember! Yeah. But you can get used to the rules easily with the mp3. Download the mp3 note: A voiceless sound at the beginning of a word is usually pronounced as an aspirated consonant. When the speaker is in a hurry, tl and dl become ll. When the speaker is in a hurry, cc, cr, cl, rc and lc become cc. Likewise, rr, rl and lr become rr. But ll stays ll. When the speaker is in a hurry, an assimilation occurs among j, z, x and s in this order (It means j > z > x > s). e.g. "oj siel" becomes [ojjiel] and "tex zont" becomes [tezzont].