
Greetings are very useful when you travel abroad.

Yeah. All I can say in foreign languages are just greetings like hello.

So, we're going to show you the list of greetings.


They are very handy in a daily life. So you should memorize them by listening to the mp3 below.
Download the mp3

al artain (Congratulations)
al avan (Take care)
al vian (Gesundheit)
al karte (Let's eat!)
alkyunk (Leave it to me)
atte (Do your best)
dacma (How do you do?)
doova (See you)
estol (Nice to meet you)
fatoo (Good job. Thank you for your work)
fiima (Long time!)
iio (You're welcome)
ilpasso (It's OK)
kekko (Welcome)
ketta (Do it!)
lunan (Welcome back)
pentant (I feel sorry)
saia (Can't be helped)
seeretis (Thank you)
solvat (Sorry to keep you waiting)
soonoyun (Hello)
teere (No, thank you)
tisoono? (How are you?)
tixante? (Hello. This is I speaking)
tua (Here you are)
uude (I share your sorrow.)
vantant (I'm sorry)
xante? (Excuse me)
xidia (Good night)